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ACP Lifeline Benefits Explained: Key Differences & What Still Works

acp lifeline benefits

Are you looking for an affordable communication solution and wondering about ACP Lifeline benefits? With rising internet and phone costs, staying connected can be a challenge. That’s why the government introduced assistance programs like the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) and Lifeline.  

But with ACP ending in 2024, what’s next? How do these programs differ, and what options are still available? In this guide, we’ll break down the key differences and explain what still works in 2025. 

1. ACP Lifeline Benefits: Key Differences

How to separate ACP with Lifeline?

Many people confuse ACP and Lifeline and even assume they’re the same. While both were designed to assist low-income households with communication costs, they operate differently. 

In short, ACP provided broadband assistance, while Lifeline focuses on support for phone and internet affordability. Let’s check this comparison table of Lifeline and ACP benefits: 

Factor ACP Lifeline 
Managing Organization FCC, funded by the Infrastructure Act USAC under FCC oversight 
Purpose Temporary broadband relief Long-term phone and internet affordability 
Main benefits Up to $30/month internet discount, $100 device subsidy $9.25/month phone/internet discount 

Up to $34.25/month discount for Tribal lands residents 

Eligibility 200% of Federal Poverty Guidelines, or program-based 135% of Federal Poverty Guidelines, or program-based 
Status Ended in 2024 Still active in 2025 

Below, we’ll explore the key differences in management, purpose, benefits, eligibility, and current status: 

1.1 Managing Organizations 

Both programs fall under the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), but they are managed differently: 

1.2 Purpose and Objectives 

ACP and Lifeline serve different purposes: 

ACP provided broadband assistance, while Lifeline focuses on support for phone and internet affordability.

1.3 Main Benefits 

With different objectives, their benefits also differ. Below’s an overview of Lifeline benefits vs ACP: 

One similarity between these programs is: When applying through an FCC-authorized service provider like AirTalk Wireless, eligible applicants could receive free or heavily discounted devices such as smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, or even laptops. The exact devices available vary by provider. Sounds great, doesn’t it? 

IMPORTANT: The government does not subsidize devices. Lifeline programs cover basic service costs only. Free or discounted devices, upgrade plans, or top-ups are exclusive benefits provided by AirTalk Wireless as part of our promotional offers. Terms and conditions apply. Limited-time promotion—offers vary by state, stock availability, and eligibility.

>>> Read more: ACP Free iPhone? Here’s What to Do Now That the Program Has Ended

1.4 Eligibility Requirements 

Below are the differences regarding eligibility: 

1.5 Program Status 

One of the most critical differences today is their current status: 

2. Can I Get Both Lifeline and ACP Benefits?

While ACP was active, households could receive both ACP Lifeline benefits simultaneously. This allowed users to combine discounts – such as using Lifeline for mobile phone service while using ACP for home internet. 

However, now that ACP has ended, dual benefits are no longer available. If you relied on ACP for internet services, you can now apply for Lifeline, which also offers internet discounts. 

Note: You should check your eligibility for Lifeline. If you previously qualified for ACP, there’s a high chance you’re eligible for Lifeline benefits. 

While ACP was active, households could receive both ACP Lifeline benefits simultaneously. However, it’s impossible now.

3. What Changed After ACP Ended?

The discontinuation of ACP had a significant impact on millions of households. Here are the key changes: 

>>> Read more: ACP Ended: 5 Best ACP Alternatives For Low-income

4. How to Get Lifeline Benefits in 2025

If you need help covering phone or internet costs in 2025, Lifeline is still an option. According to the official guidelines on the USAC Lifeline Support website, here’s how to apply: 

Step 1: Check your eligibility 

You may qualify for Lifeline if: 

If you live in California, Oregon, or Texas, please check your state’s Lifeline program for additional application steps. 

Step 2: Choose a method to apply 

Next, you can apply for Lifeline through one of these methods: 

Step 3: Prepare required documents and submit your application 

Whatever method you choose to apply, to complete your application, you’ll need: 

For more details on required documents, please visit this official Lifeline guideline.

Apply for Lifeline on AirTalk Wireless.

Step 4: Sign up and receive Lifeline benefits 

After your application is approved, choose a phone or internet provider near you that offers Lifeline benefits. You can use the Companies Near Me tool to find a provider. Alternatively, if your current service provider offers Lifeline benefits, you can ask them to apply your discount to your existing service.  

Once enrolled, you’ll start receiving your monthly Lifeline discount. Congratulations! 

For the best experience, apply with AirTalk Wireless! By choosing AirTalk, you’ll receive: 

You’ll receive many extra benefits by applying for Lifeline with AirTalk Wireless!

Final Words 

To sum up, ACP and Lifeline have played a vital role in helping low-income households stay connected. Although the ACP program has ended, Lifeline remains a crucial resource for individuals and families needing affordable phone and internet services. Understanding the ACP Lifeline benefits and their differences can help you navigate your options and stay connected.  

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