How To Make An International Call

Enable "International Calling” feature on Your Account
Dial the country code (start with “+”) followed by the area code (e.g. +52 55 for Mexico City)
Enter the phone number of the person you want to call.(e.g. 12345678)
+52 55 1234 5678
Usage Policy:
- Unlimited International Calling is for personal use only. Each Unlimited Account is allowed up to 15 unique destination numbers per 30-day cycle. See our ILD Agreement for more details
- Calls to certain destinations may have limits. These countries come with a $10 credit to use for international calls. For rates and destinations, visit: International Calling.
Dialing Tips:
Ensure you include the correct area and country codes when making a call.
List of International Countries You Can Call
Search country name
- Unlimited International Calling
Unlimited International Calling
Enjoy unlimited international calls to these countries at no extra cost:
- Americana Samoa
- Argentina
- Australia
- Bangladés
- Bermudas
- Bután
- Brasil
- Camboya
- Canadá
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- República Checa
- Islas Feroe
Free International Calling
These countries come with free international calling:
- Afganistán
- Albania
- Argelia
- Andorra
- Angola
- Anguila
- Antártida
- Antigua y Barbuda
- Armenia
- Aruba
- Isla Ascensión
- Austria
- Azerbaiyán
- Bahamas
- Baréin
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Frequently asked questions
AirTalk offers Free international calling to over 200 countries and territories, with over 80 countries allowing unlimited minutes—meaning you can talk as long as you want!
To make an international call, simply dial the country code followed by the phone number. For example, to call Mexico, dial +52 followed by the phone number.
No, there are no hidden fees for international calling. All eligible countries are either free or included with transparent charges for additional minutes, so you always know what to expect.
Yes, you can call both landlines and mobile phones in the countries included in our unlimited calling list. For countries with the $10 credit, you can use the credit to call both landlines and mobile phones.
Once you’ve used up your allocated free minutes for certain countries, you can continue making calls by adding a $10 credit, which provides an additional bundle of minutes. This ensures uninterrupted connectivity.